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3 Top Benefits Of Rekeying Your Locks

by Siep Baremans

Usually, you'll see signs of trouble before your locks fail due to old age. But sometimes, a troublesome lock could mean that someone invaded your office. So if you suspect theft, check if anything is missing from the office. But you do not need to wait until you lose a valuable item or document to address the security problem on your premises. You can rekey your locks to restore safety. Here are three top benefits of rekeying your commercial locks.

It's the Best Way of Fixing a Security Breach

Security breaches can lead to personal and business losses. For instance, unauthorized people can access certain parts of your business and leave with money or other valuable personal items. Similarly, someone malicious can access your client data and compromise the trust your business associates have in your brand.

Rekeying the locks will ensure that such incidents don't recur. Furthermore, it allows you to raise the security standard of your business and retain trust among your clients and associates. Besides, the insurers will need to know that you have rectified the situation that led to your losses so they can compensate you.

It Does Not Need New Hardware

One of the reasons people fear making changes to their access control systems is the cost involved in such a project. Luckily, if you are operating on a tight budget, rekeying is a solution that is cost-effective. In this process, the locksmith doesn't fix or replace much hardware. Therefore, it is an inexpensive yet effective way to boost the level of security on your premises.

It Can Resolve Various Security Issues

Rekeying the locks helps you resolve many problems, especially in a commercial space. For example, rekeying comes in handy after a company's downsizing exercise by ensuring that former employees do not enter the premises without authorization.

Similarly, if someone has been a threat to your safety in the workplace, rekeying the locks bars them from entering the office. For instance, you might want to get new office keys after going through a highly contested divorce, and your ex-spouse still feels disgruntled. Additionally, it is advisable to rekey the locks after you've relocated into a new office building as it safeguards you from the intrusion of the former occupants. 

As seen, there are several ways in which rekeying can be of help in your commercial facility. Therefore, contact a commercial locksmith when faced with a situation requiring rekeying. They will advise you accordingly and offer you a suitable solution. 

For more information, contact a commercial locksmith near you.
